Government Partnerships

Common Seas partners with Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to help them significantly reduce their plastic consumption and pollution.

We focus our support on Small Island Developing States (SIDS), which steward 30% of the world’s ocean, including many of our most precious and vulnerable ecosystems.

Plastic pollution affects Small Island Developing States disproportionately. They produce almost no plastic and, due to their remoteness, recycling is often unviable. With small land areas and existing landfill sites approaching capacity, SIDS need solutions that turn off the tap to plastic pollution.

Common Seas uses a combination of tools and technical expertise to support decision-makers to gather data, calculate baseline, set targets and design a plan to stop plastic pollution.

This work is built on Plastic Drawdown, a unique rapid-assessment tool we developed in consultation with 24 governments, more than half of whom were SIDS.

The Plastic Drawdown methodology is endorsed by the United Nations and was published in the Global Environmental Change Journal.

Our step-by-step Plastic Drawdown tool will help you to:

  1. Understand your country’s plastic problem and the potential solutions.
  2. Establish national baseline data quickly, even in a low data environment.
  3. Understand the policies that could tackle your plastic problem.
  4. Publish a National Action Plan to End Plastic Pollution.

Drawing from the analysis provided by Plastic Drawdown, our team will work with you to:

  1. Align critical stakeholders on a journey from problem to solution.
  2. Build a strong case for action and agree a national reduction roadmap.
  3. Secure donor finance to deliver action.
  4. Be equipped with knowledge and authority to negotiate a robust UN Treaty.
  5. Become a global leader in tackling plastic pollution and reducing consumption.
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