Professor Water Quality and Health, Ecotoxicology
Dick Vethaak works as a water quality specialist/advisor at the scientific Institute Deltares in Delft, The Netherlands. He is also a professor of Ecotoxicology / Water Quality and Health at the VU University Amsterdam. Dick is a marine-biologist and toxicologist by training. He has more than 30 years’ experience in the field of ecotoxicology, water quality and environmental health issues, in particular related to our seas and oceans. His current research interests include fate and effects of emerging contaminants, chemical mixtures, and plastic debris of all sizes.
Most of Dick's recent work focuses on fate and exposure assessment and ecological and human health risks of micro- and nanoplastics. He is advising and briefing on risks of plastic pollution for national governments, NGOs, and international organisations, such as UN, industry, European Commission, Dutch Health Council, and Plastic Soup Foundation. He is participating in the recently started (March 2019) Dutch ZonMw programme on “Microplastics & Health”, supported by Common Seas. Dick’s work is frequently mentioned in national and international media.
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